How much does it cost?
As a new member of the Transport service, you can book your first single or return trip within your operational area for free.
After that, all single trips within your operational area are charged at £2.50 per trip.
Children under five years of age can travel free and those aged between 5 and 16 will be charged half fare of £1.25
Anyone aged 17 and over will be charged at the full rate. Children under the age of 11 must be accompanied by an adult.
Concessionary travel through the Northern Ireland Concessionary Fares Scheme is not available for these services.
Want to Help?
Be a friend or companion to someone who needs your help.Make a Donation
Help us to help other people.Useful Links
Information on how to get in touch with mobility services.Contact Bridge
028 7126 7555Bridge Accessible Transport
Unit 1 (ground floor)
18 Balliniska Road
Springtown Industrial Estate
Derry ~ Londonderry
BT48 0NA